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Message from Police Chief About E-Bikes

Message from Police Chief about e-bikes

Hello Parents,

I am writing you today because recently we have seen an uptick in illegal e-bikes and e-scooters being parked in Piper Park by Hall Middle School students during the school week. We are assuming that these illegal e-bikes and e-scooters are being parked in the park due to the fact they are unable to be registered and parked on Hall Middle School grounds.

Per Larkspur’s Municipal Code, only legal bicycles may be parked in Piper Park in designated areas. Not only can illegal e-bikes and e-scooters not be parked in Piper park, but due to State law they also cannot be ridden to and from school on streets, sidewalks, or pathways by Middle School students. These illegal vehicles may also not be parked or left on any other public areas, such as sidewalks or streets in our city.

I am strongly encouraging parents to stop allowing your students to continue to ride illegal e-bikes and e-scooters to school. The Central Marin Police Authority is working with the school to further prohibit students from riding to and from school on these vehicles.

As a police agency, we do not want your child’s first interaction with a police officer to be a negative one wherein they receive a ticket and get their illegal e-bike or e-scooter seized or towed. I am imploring you, as parents, to be a good example for your children and not allow them to continue to break the law in this manner. We will begin strict enforcement as necessary starting next week on this issue.


Michael A. Norton

Chief of Police

Central Marin Police Authority

LCMSD Board of Trustees
Amir Movafaghi, VicePresident 
Beth Blair, Clerk
Natalie Medved
Eric Schmautz
Annie Sherman
Brett Geithman, Ed.D.