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Cove Connection, Issue 19 - Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cove Connection, Issue 18 - Sunday, January 5, 2025


Cove School Guiding Principles 

Experiential LearningSocial Emotional Growth,

Tldr; The Cove School Readathon starts today! (Details below) The Cove School Variety Show Registration Deadline is this Friday. (link) - Don't forget to sign up for rehearsal dates (mandatory) and we still need parent volunteers


  • January 6-9 | Book collection for Book SwapCove Gallery (Please drop off any books you would like to contribute to the Book Swap in the Cove Gallery)

  • January 8 | PTO Board Meeting, 8:30am - 9:30am, Cove Library and on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 4109 9913, Passcode: 230263

  • January 9 | Amy’s Drive Thru Dine and Donate, 4pm to 8pm (details below)

  • January 10 | Book Swap, All day

  • January 10 | Variety Show Registration Deadline (link) - Don't forget to sign up for rehearsal dates (mandatory) and we still need parent volunteers!

  • w/o January 13 | Music Shares (Check teacher newsletter)

  • January 16 | Amy’s Drive Thru Dine and Donate, 4pm to 8pm (details below)

  • January 17 | Coffee Chat on Standards-Based Grading, 8:30am - 9:30am, Hall Middle School

  • January 17 | Book Character Dress Up

  • January 20 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observed–No School

More dates here


Hi Cove Families,

Our 9th Annual Cove School Readathon launches today! The Cove Readathon is a celebration of reading as well as a fundraising event. Not only does it encourage our children to read, it raises money that The Cove School relies on. Last year we surpassed our goal and as a result, have been able to pay for more of the things we know and love at The Cove, including: professional development for teachers, instructional materials, classroom supplies and equipment, furniture, PE and playground equipment, campus events, parent education, campus improvements and much, much, more!

Later today you will receive an email invitation from 99pledges with your child's unique fundraising link. Feel free to send it along to family, friends or post to social if you wish. For more information please visit 99pledges and our Readathon website(We ask that each child raise $175)

Tomorrow, your children will bring home book bags containing more information about the Readathon. New this year: we will no longer be tracking reading minutes. Instead, each student will receive 2 Reading Bingo cards - a Week 1 card and a Week 2 card. There are different cards for K-2 and for 3-5. Bingo begins Friday, January 10 at 3pm! Beginning Friday afternoon, the students can challenge themselves to complete as many reading activities on the Reading Bingo card as possible. If they get a Bingo (5 squares in a row across, down or diagonal), they will win one extra raffle entry for the assemblies being held on January 17 and 24. If they get a Blackout (all of the squares on the card are completed) they will win three extra raffle entries.

The Cove Readathon is the only fundraising event dedicated solely to The Cove School, so please help us make it a success! 

Michelle Walker, Principal
Check out photos and videos from the Holiday Sing in December



How The Cove School Readathon Works

For those familiar with the Readathon in the past, we will no longer be tracking reading minutes. Instead, each student will receive 2 Reading Bingo cards - a Week 1 card and a Week 2 card. There are different cards for K-2 and for 3-5. During the week, the students can challenge themselves to complete as many reading activities on the Reading Bingo card as possible. If they get a Bingo (5 squares in a row across, down or diagonal), they will win one extra raffle entry for the assemblies being held on January 17 and 24. If they get a Blackout (all of the squares on the card are completed) they will win three extra raffle entries

Bingo Cards should be turned in to teachers in class by the end of the school day on Thursday, January 16 and Thursday, January 23. PLEASE make sure your student’s name is written in at the top of the Bingo Card and that a parent/caregiver has signed the Bingo Card as well. 

In the event that your child misplaces their Bingo Card, here are links to the Bingo Cards so that you can print copies out:


  • Reading-related raffles: these will be individual prizes. Prizes will include gift cards to Book Passage, etc.

  • Fundraising:

    • Individual: At the Jan 17 and Jan 24 assemblies there will be one or more raffle prizes for individuals that have at least one donation. These will include gift cards for a treat or Cove swag.

    • Grade-level: At the Jan 17 and 24 assemblies, the grade level that has the highest funds raised for the week will earn an extra 15 minutes of recess to be used when convenient.

    • Final: At the Jan 31 assembly we will announce the grade level that raised the most funds overall. The winning grade will get to have a super special picnic lunch party (date TBD) with pizza, drinks, treats and outdoor games.

    • If our school reaches its overall fundraising goal of $60,000, the top fundraiser in each grade level will get to slime Principal Walker at the Jan 31 assembly! 

    • We will also have a prize for our top individual overall fundraiser (in terms of $), and one for the individual that collected the highest number of pledges (in terms of # of individual donors).

The Readathon will be run through the 99Pledges online donation website. This will streamline the collection process and help students reach a broader audience. You will receive a custom link to your child’s web page, which you can share with family and friends directly or via social media to solicit donations.

Online donations can be made via your child’s unique 99Pledges link by credit card. Donations by check or cash may be made in the office. Checks should be made out to: The Cove PTO. 

Important Readathon Dates:

  • January 6 | Book Bags go home with students containing info about Readathon

  • January 6-9 | Please drop off any books you would like to contribute to the Book Swap in the Cove Gallery

  • January 10 | Kick off Readathon School Assembly | Book Swap | Bingo play begins at 3pm!

  • January 16 | Turn in Week 1 Bingo Cards to teachers to earn additional raffle entries | Week 2 Bingo play starts at 3pm

  • January 17 | Week 1 Assembly | Raffles and announcement of Week 1 fundraising | Dress as your Favorite Story Book Character Day 

  • January 21 | Bedtime Story via Zoom with Principal Michelle Walker plus Bedtime Story in Spanish with Parent Glenda Lugo

  • January 23 | Turn in Week 2 Bingo Cards to your teachers to earn additional raffle entries  | Cove Cafe all day - each class will have a designated time to come read at the pop-up Cove Cafe and enjoy some hot chocolate

  • January 24 | Week 2 Assembly | Raffles and announcement of Week 2 fundraising |  | Guest Author Sam Sattin | Pajama Day

  • January 28 | Donation Collection ends at 11:59pm 

  • January 31 | Final Awards Readathon School Assembly

Guest Author

Our Author Assembly on January 24th will feature Sam Sattin (uncle of 3rd grader Rex Finneran) and author of Unico, a Scholastic Books graphic novel. He will do two separate assemblies, one for K-2 and one for 3-5. We will send out information (and will update this site with information) on how to pre-order books if you would like, and Sam will sign books for the students.

Click here for more information on the author.

Ways You Can Help

  • Post and share your child’s 99Pledges page with family and friends via your social media

  • Help your child ask family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers to donate by sending a link to their custom 99Pledges page.

  • Encourage your child to read, and have fun with all of the reading activities

  • Honesty! While it’s tempting for students to overstate the number of reading tasks they have completed, we hope parents can use this as a valuable opportunity to teach the importance of honest, hard work.

  • There will be opportunities to volunteer at school for some of the Readathon-related activities, such as the Book Swap on January 10th and the Cove Cafe on January 23rd. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these activities, please contact Natalie Kaniel at | Thank you for your Support! Contact us at


Amy's Drive Thru and Donate Thursdays
Every Thursday in January, Amy’s Drive Thru is donating 20% of sales to the Cove PTO when you purchase food between 4pm and 8pm on 1/9/25, 1/16/25, 1/23/25, and 1/30/25.  Please mention Cove PTO when you order so that we can benefit from this donation!

Keeping Online Spaces Safe for Kids | Register for the Webinar Tue 1/14/25 @ 6:15-7:45PM and Tue 1/21/25 @ 6:15-7:45PM

This coming January, the Marin County Office of Education will be hosting two Vigilant Parent Training Opportunities, both of which emphasizes best practices for keeping youth safe in online spaces. The first session on January 14th will focus on social media how-to's, vault apps and exploitation, while the second session on January 21st will focus on sexploitation, AI and deep fakes. Register today (links above)


Online PTO Board Meeting | Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

The next PTO Board meeting will be held on Wednesday 1/8/25 from 8:30-9:30am in the library and on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 4109 9913, Passcode: 230263. All are welcome to attend!



Board Updates | On December 18, the Board met and celebrated outgoing Trustee Annie Sherman. Thank you for your years of service! Dr. Geithman swore in recently elected Trustees Beth Blair and Ava Fruin. Congratulations! Trustees then appointed Amir Movafaghi as President, Beth Blair as Vice President, and Natalie Medved as Clerk. Congratulations! Data Learning Labs, 2023-24 Audit, and results from the recent Standards-Based Grading Pulse Survey (Hall) were discussed. The Board also approved the final version of the 2036 Vision, First Interim Budget Report, and Annual Developer Fee Accounting. All agendas can be found here

Check out this link for exciting local events!
Cove Connection, Issue 18 - Sunday, January 5, 2025


Cove School Guiding Principles 

Experiential LearningSocial Emotional Growth,

Tldr; The Cove School Readathon starts today! (Details below) The Cove School Variety Show Registration Deadline is this Friday. (link) - Don't forget to sign up for rehearsal dates (mandatory) and we still need parent volunteers


  • January 6-9 | Book collection for Book SwapCove Gallery (Please drop off any books you would like to contribute to the Book Swap in the Cove Gallery)

  • January 8 | PTO Board Meeting, 8:30am - 9:30am, Cove Library and on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 4109 9913, Passcode: 230263

  • January 9 | Amy’s Drive Thru Dine and Donate, 4pm to 8pm (details below)

  • January 10 | Book Swap, All day

  • January 10 | Variety Show Registration Deadline (link) - Don't forget to sign up for rehearsal dates (mandatory) and we still need parent volunteers!

  • w/o January 13 | Music Shares (Check teacher newsletter)

  • January 16 | Amy’s Drive Thru Dine and Donate, 4pm to 8pm (details below)

  • January 17 | Coffee Chat on Standards-Based Grading, 8:30am - 9:30am, Hall Middle School

  • January 17 | Book Character Dress Up

  • January 20 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observed–No School

More dates here


Hi Cove Families,

Our 9th Annual Cove School Readathon launches today! The Cove Readathon is a celebration of reading as well as a fundraising event. Not only does it encourage our children to read, it raises money that The Cove School relies on. Last year we surpassed our goal and as a result, have been able to pay for more of the things we know and love at The Cove, including: professional development for teachers, instructional materials, classroom supplies and equipment, furniture, PE and playground equipment, campus events, parent education, campus improvements and much, much, more!

Later today you will receive an email invitation from 99pledges with your child's unique fundraising link. Feel free to send it along to family, friends or post to social if you wish. For more information please visit 99pledges and our Readathon website(We ask that each child raise $175)

Tomorrow, your children will bring home book bags containing more information about the Readathon. New this year: we will no longer be tracking reading minutes. Instead, each student will receive 2 Reading Bingo cards - a Week 1 card and a Week 2 card. There are different cards for K-2 and for 3-5. Bingo begins Friday, January 10 at 3pm! Beginning Friday afternoon, the students can challenge themselves to complete as many reading activities on the Reading Bingo card as possible. If they get a Bingo (5 squares in a row across, down or diagonal), they will win one extra raffle entry for the assemblies being held on January 17 and 24. If they get a Blackout (all of the squares on the card are completed) they will win three extra raffle entries.

The Cove Readathon is the only fundraising event dedicated solely to The Cove School, so please help us make it a success! 

Michelle Walker, Principal
Check out photos and videos from the Holiday Sing in December



How The Cove School Readathon Works

For those familiar with the Readathon in the past, we will no longer be tracking reading minutes. Instead, each student will receive 2 Reading Bingo cards - a Week 1 card and a Week 2 card. There are different cards for K-2 and for 3-5. During the week, the students can challenge themselves to complete as many reading activities on the Reading Bingo card as possible. If they get a Bingo (5 squares in a row across, down or diagonal), they will win one extra raffle entry for the assemblies being held on January 17 and 24. If they get a Blackout (all of the squares on the card are completed) they will win three extra raffle entries

Bingo Cards should be turned in to teachers in class by the end of the school day on Thursday, January 16 and Thursday, January 23. PLEASE make sure your student’s name is written in at the top of the Bingo Card and that a parent/caregiver has signed the Bingo Card as well. 

In the event that your child misplaces their Bingo Card, here are links to the Bingo Cards so that you can print copies out:


  • Reading-related raffles: these will be individual prizes. Prizes will include gift cards to Book Passage, etc.

  • Fundraising:

    • Individual: At the Jan 17 and Jan 24 assemblies there will be one or more raffle prizes for individuals that have at least one donation. These will include gift cards for a treat or Cove swag.

    • Grade-level: At the Jan 17 and 24 assemblies, the grade level that has the highest funds raised for the week will earn an extra 15 minutes of recess to be used when convenient.

    • Final: At the Jan 31 assembly we will announce the grade level that raised the most funds overall. The winning grade will get to have a super special picnic lunch party (date TBD) with pizza, drinks, treats and outdoor games.

    • If our school reaches its overall fundraising goal of $60,000, the top fundraiser in each grade level will get to slime Principal Walker at the Jan 31 assembly! 

    • We will also have a prize for our top individual overall fundraiser (in terms of $), and one for the individual that collected the highest number of pledges (in terms of # of individual donors).

The Readathon will be run through the 99Pledges online donation website. This will streamline the collection process and help students reach a broader audience. You will receive a custom link to your child’s web page, which you can share with family and friends directly or via social media to solicit donations.

Online donations can be made via your child’s unique 99Pledges link by credit card. Donations by check or cash may be made in the office. Checks should be made out to: The Cove PTO. 

Important Readathon Dates:

  • January 6 | Book Bags go home with students containing info about Readathon

  • January 6-9 | Please drop off any books you would like to contribute to the Book Swap in the Cove Gallery

  • January 10 | Kick off Readathon School Assembly | Book Swap | Bingo play begins at 3pm!

  • January 16 | Turn in Week 1 Bingo Cards to teachers to earn additional raffle entries | Week 2 Bingo play starts at 3pm

  • January 17 | Week 1 Assembly | Raffles and announcement of Week 1 fundraising | Dress as your Favorite Story Book Character Day 

  • January 21 | Bedtime Story via Zoom with Principal Michelle Walker plus Bedtime Story in Spanish with Parent Glenda Lugo

  • January 23 | Turn in Week 2 Bingo Cards to your teachers to earn additional raffle entries  | Cove Cafe all day - each class will have a designated time to come read at the pop-up Cove Cafe and enjoy some hot chocolate

  • January 24 | Week 2 Assembly | Raffles and announcement of Week 2 fundraising |  | Guest Author Sam Sattin | Pajama Day

  • January 28 | Donation Collection ends at 11:59pm 

  • January 31 | Final Awards Readathon School Assembly

Guest Author

Our Author Assembly on January 24th will feature Sam Sattin (uncle of 3rd grader Rex Finneran) and author of Unico, a Scholastic Books graphic novel. He will do two separate assemblies, one for K-2 and one for 3-5. We will send out information (and will update this site with information) on how to pre-order books if you would like, and Sam will sign books for the students.

Click here for more information on the author.

Ways You Can Help

  • Post and share your child’s 99Pledges page with family and friends via your social media

  • Help your child ask family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers to donate by sending a link to their custom 99Pledges page.

  • Encourage your child to read, and have fun with all of the reading activities

  • Honesty! While it’s tempting for students to overstate the number of reading tasks they have completed, we hope parents can use this as a valuable opportunity to teach the importance of honest, hard work.

  • There will be opportunities to volunteer at school for some of the Readathon-related activities, such as the Book Swap on January 10th and the Cove Cafe on January 23rd. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these activities, please contact Natalie Kaniel at | Thank you for your Support! Contact us at


Amy's Drive Thru and Donate Thursdays
Every Thursday in January, Amy’s Drive Thru is donating 20% of sales to the Cove PTO when you purchase food between 4pm and 8pm on 1/9/25, 1/16/25, 1/23/25, and 1/30/25.  Please mention Cove PTO when you order so that we can benefit from this donation!

Keeping Online Spaces Safe for Kids | Register for the Webinar Tue 1/14/25 @ 6:15-7:45PM and Tue 1/21/25 @ 6:15-7:45PM

This coming January, the Marin County Office of Education will be hosting two Vigilant Parent Training Opportunities, both of which emphasizes best practices for keeping youth safe in online spaces. The first session on January 14th will focus on social media how-to's, vault apps and exploitation, while the second session on January 21st will focus on sexploitation, AI and deep fakes. Register today (links above)


Online PTO Board Meeting | Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

The next PTO Board meeting will be held on Wednesday 1/8/25 from 8:30-9:30am in the library and on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 4109 9913, Passcode: 230263. All are welcome to attend!



Board Updates | On December 18, the Board met and celebrated outgoing Trustee Annie Sherman. Thank you for your years of service! Dr. Geithman swore in recently elected Trustees Beth Blair and Ava Fruin. Congratulations! Trustees then appointed Amir Movafaghi as President, Beth Blair as Vice President, and Natalie Medved as Clerk. Congratulations! Data Learning Labs, 2023-24 Audit, and results from the recent Standards-Based Grading Pulse Survey (Hall) were discussed. The Board also approved the final version of the 2036 Vision, First Interim Budget Report, and Annual Developer Fee Accounting. All agendas can be found here

Check out this link for exciting local events!