Neil Cummins Weekly, Week of March 24. 2024

Neil Cummins Weekly March 24, 2024


Upcoming Dates and Events

March 26 Parent Ed Event on Zoom 5:30-6:30pm - see sign up below

March 29 All School Assembly in the NC Gym 8:15am
April 4 NC Open House 5:15-6:30pm
April 5 Early dismissal 1:30pm
April 8-12 No School - Spring Break
Principal Message


NC Open House Thursday April 4th, 5:15-6:30pm

Early Dismissal Friday April 5th,  1:30pm for all students

The purpose of Open House is to give families a deeper look into what students have been learning and how they have been learning it. Students will guide families through their classrooms, sharing about their learning. Rather than classrooms that are completely transformed for Open House, we want families to truly experience what student learning looks like in a typical day. We want to highlight the process of learning, not just the end products.


Our SPARK funded Art rooms will be open 5:15pm. Ms. Mathews and MS. Mckee will be attending both NC and Cove Open houses on this night so they will only be at NC 5:15-6:00. Please make your art gallery rounds early in the night to see your students' art work and say hello to their teachers. Ms. Mathews' classes will be displayed in A1 and Ms. Mckee’s classes will be displayed in A2. 


The Neil Cummins Library will be open too! P.E. will be represented at an event later in the school year for a Family recess night at a PTO social.

  • All families please park off campus if you are driving to this event. Teachers and staff will be parking in the lot for the evening.

  • Please stay with your children throughout the evening.

  • Teachers are present to connect with the their current students and families

  • Reminder Friday April 5th is early dismissal 1:30 for all students 

Ongoing Daily Morning Drop Off Reminders

  • Please supervise your students before 8:10. We have students arriving early and playing on the playground and we do not have school supervision before school begins. 

  • No parents cars in the parking lot. Rain or shine the parking lot is for staff only

  • When walking to school please walk on sidewalks instead in the road and parking lot area.



Kyle Shaw

Neil Cummins Elementary Principal

Parent Survey: Your Feedback is Important

Please complete the annual parent survey by March 24. Thank you!

SEL Counselor Connection 2023-2024

Please Check out the most recent lessons that student have had by our fabulous School Counselor Ms Galii

School & PTO News

Upcoming Parent Education Workshop Tuesday March 26 5:30pm 
Join us on Zoom for “Changing Perspectives: Understanding Inclusion, Ableism, and Neurodiversity” free for all to join, with spanish language translation. Students who feel safe and supported by adults at home and school are better able to learn, and building positive relationships with students is critical to creating a healthy learning environment. 
Register for the free Zoom meeting here.

2023-2024 School Yearbooks For Sale Don’t miss out!  Neil Cummins yearbooks are available for purchase here  - reminder that all orders need to be made by April 5 so don’t delay!|

Safe Routes: Don't be part of the traffic, be a part of the solution! 

If interested in learning how to form a bike train or walking school bus register for the free webinar (March 28 from 6:00 - 7:00pm) here. Learn tips from the experts on how to: Find the best route, set the timing, and recruit other parent leaders.

Rainbow Contest Set to Start in April

The contest will be conducted on April 17 and 24, and May 1 and 8. Cards will be handed to the students on the first day, stamped during the following dates, and collected at the end of the contest. The grand prize will be up to two scooters per school site.

Upcoming Hall Middle School Tours There are 2 dates left, sign up HERE if you are interested in checking out Hall for your rising middle school student!

Hawks’ Garden  🌻
Shop at Sloat TODAY!! Earn 10% cash back for the Neil Cummins garden by mentioning us at the checkout. Find out more about the promotion.

Visit Hawks' Garden Club for all events and latest news. 

🍳Shop with Good Eggs to give back to Neil Cummins! Good Eggs is a game-changing online market that delivers local produce, organic groceries, chef-prepared meals, and easy meal kits straight to your door. It’s all the quality and transparency of a farmer’s market, with the speed and convenience of online ordering. Shop here and enter GoodEggsForNeilCummins at checkout for  5% of your order's total value to go back to NC. 

LCMSD and NC PTO are on Social Media! Follow us on instagram or like us on Facebook.
Spark News

We are excited to announce our Spring Gala Sparkle & Shine on Friday, May 10 at the Jonas Center in Novato. This community event features dinner, dancing, a live auction and a paddle raise. Enjoy the hosted bar, passed appetizers, dinner, live music and tasty desserts. This fundraising event is one you won’t want to miss!  Tickets go on sale Monday, March 25 at 9:00am. Purchase your tickets here and visit our website for more information. 

Did you win that item you had your eye on in the online auction? Winners have been notified by email with pick up times and location. Please check both your inbox and junk mailbox for emails from SPARK.

Did you miss out on that party you wanted to go to? Parties are still available! Check them out here!  

What do I do if I purchased a spot at a sign-up party? Party hosts will get in touch with you before the event with more details. You do not need to pick up anything for a sign-up party.

Have more questions? Please email us at

Follow SPARK on Instagram & Facebook to stay up to date with all the latest news, events and opportunities to get involved.
Community News

Click here for our Community News page that includes:
-Petition for Alto Tunnel 
-Bloom Clothing Donations 
-June Volleyball Camp for Boys and Girls 

-Legarza Spring Camp 

-Mountain Camp Marin 
-Steve and Kate’s Summer Camp 
-Gretchen Klein Piano Lessons 
-Resource Fair for Families with Children with Disabilities 
-Corte Madera Library Ongoing Programs

-Corte Madera Parks and Rec Summer Classes 


58 Mohawk, Corte Madera, CA 94925 | Phone 415-927-6965

The Neil Cummins Weekly is a digital bulletin published by the NC PTO and distributed to the school community each Sunday via email. To submit an article, email the Editor at Articles must be received by Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. in order to be included in the next Sunday's issue.To receive a subscription to The Neil Cummins Weekly or to change your email address, send a note to  Need more information? Contact The Weekly Editor at or visit one of the following websites: 
Neil CumminsLarkspur- Corte Madera School DistrictNeil Cummins PTO or SPARK.


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