Issue 34 - May 12, 2025

Cove School Guiding Principles 

Experiential LearningSocial Emotional Growth,

TLDR; Thank you all for such a memorable week: Teacher + Staff Appreciation Week, National Bike To School Day & the Spark Gala were all a huge success! We appreciate your support!
Thank you to everyone for an awesome teacher appreciation week (Photos here!)! The teachers were raving about the shirts, the cinco de mayo lunch, all the flowers and cards, the stocked teachers lounge with extra special treats, chair massages, and more. Thank you for helping to make our staff feel so special. If you missed the assembly, Scarlett Headley presented Michelle Walker with a Cove 10 Year Anniversary necklace from the teachers and the PTO. We are so grateful for her dedication to our school and kids! 

alt_textThe Cove School Staff Appreciation Video | Check out photos from Teacher / Staff Appreciation Week!


  • May 13 | Special Board Meeting - LCMSD11am - 2pm, Hall Middle School

  • May 13 | Fiscal Advisory Committee3:30pm, Hall Middle School

  • May 15 | Incoming Kinder Sneak Peek + PTO Swag Sale

  • May 15 | LCMSD Board Meeting6 - 9pm, Hall Library

  • May 17 | Volunteer Assembly & Appreciation Breakfast8:15am

  • May 29 | Honoring Diana Nay in front of The Cove School, 3:30pm



Dear Cove Families,

Happy Mother's Day! Wishing all the Cove moms a beautiful day to celebrate you! 

CAASPP state testing starts this week. This Tuesday, we will begin CA Assessment of Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP) testing for 3rd-5th grade students.  


I ask that we, as the adults in their lives, remind our students that they have been working hard, problem-solving, learning different strategies, showing their work and practicing their skills all year. Whatever task is before them, they should put their best effort forth, believe in themselves and know that they can do this. They have a team of teachers, parents and their principal cheering them on!  


Michelle Walker, Principal

What a turnout for National Bike to School Day. More photos here!



Our Library Thank you to everyone who donated to the Cove Library Birthday Book Program this year. We appreciate your generous support! We will begin again in August for July birthdays onwards.

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Friday, May 17th On Friday, May 17th, the PTO will be hosting a volunteer appreciation breakfast and assembly to honor and thank EVERYONE who has volunteered at our school this year in ANY capacity (field trips, Kindergarten centers, Cove garden, PTO, Site Council, lunch duty, tinker day, etc). That means YOU! The breakfast will take place after drop-off in the courtyard 8:15am-9am. If you are available please stop by, and thank you for all you do!


Painted Bins Winners Announced Cove Students participated in Painted Bins, to provide artwork for 11 composting bins around Southern Marin. There were so many amazing submissions and the following Cove students were among the finalists: 

  • Avery T M

  • Owen G

  • Julian B

  • Noah Q

  • Jackson V

  • Josie H

  • Zoe U

  • Elle M

  • Kayla S

Congratulations, Coyotes! In November, the art will be refreshed with another 11 posters from the submissions. 



Sparkle & Shine: Thank you to all who joined us on Friday night at Sparkle and Shine, our biggest fundraiser of the year! Your presence and support made the event truly sparkle with joy and generosity. 

Fund-a-Need: For those who couldn't attend, don't worry – you can still contribute by donating to our Fund-A-Need - Teacher Mini Grants! Your donation will provide new opportunities for our teachers and staff to apply for grants to fund experiences, classroom materials, technology and more to help teachers follow their passions and deepen student engagement. Support this year’s Fund-a-Need here.

Over $100K in outstanding pledges: If you are a family who has made a pledge to the 2023-2024 Annual Giving campaign and haven’t yet completed your payment, please make your donation by May 31. Your pledge plays a vital role in our ability to reach our $1.5M goal. We are counting on your contribution to make it happen. Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our students, teachers and schools.



Superintendent Coffee Chat Part II (minus the coffee) – May 14 from 5:30-6:30 in the Hall Library We greatly appreciated the attendance at the May 2 coffee chat where we discussed the draft 2024-25 goals (LCAP), as well as survey results. Due to the high parent engagement, we have scheduled an additional session for May 14 from 5:30-6:30 in the Hall Library. We hope to see you there!

Board Updates On May 13, 2024 the Board will meet at 11:00 in Room 401 at Hall to initiate a long-term visioning process. This endeavour will include students later this month and parents/staff/community members in the fall. Stay tuned! Additionally, on May 15, 2024 the Board will meet at 6:00 in the Hall Library. Golden Bell Awards and retirees will be celebrated. Trustees will be presented with the Local Control Accountability (LCAP) draft, as well as the 2024-25 draft LCAP annual update. The Board will vote on district-wide common assessments (iReady) in mathematics and literacy, as well as a National Gun Violence Awareness Day Resolution. The meeting will be live streamed via Zoom (link; passcode - lcmsd). Please know, public comments will only be taken by in person attendees; public comments via Zoom will not be available. We hope to see you there. All agendas can be found here


Check out this link for exciting local and summer events:

Marin Public Works Fair Saturday, May 18th Marin County Department of Public Works is hosting a Public Works fair on Saturday, May 18th from 10-2 at the San Rafael County Fairgrounds. The fair will feature demonstrations, presentations, hands-on activities, games, face painting, balloons, music, and raffle prizes. All free! More information here.

Summer Events:

Ongoing Events:

  • Bloom

  • Corte Madera Cheerleading

  • Corte Madera Library: Homework Helpers 

  • Corte Madera Library

  • Corte Madera Town Rec Summer Camps

  • Girls on the Run at Cove

  • Marin County Board of Education

  • Marin Scholastic Chess

  • Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships (MHYP)

  • Mountain Camp Marin

  • Rancho Compasión

  • Steve & Kate’s

  • Tidalwaves Swim Team

  • Warriors Basketball Academy