Issue 35 - May 19, 2024


Cove School Guiding Principles 

Experiential LearningSocial Emotional Growth,

Tldr; Thank you to all of our Cove Coyotes parent volunteers for making The Cove School magical!
We celebrated volunteers with a special breakfast and assembly on Friday morning. Check out the Volunteer Appreciation Assembly slides! We gave a special thank you to the 10 volunteers who will be leaving Cove this year because their last child is in 5th grade. And we recognized three outgoing 5th grade parents who have given countless hours of their time to leadership positions: Jeannie Lin (Yearbook), Janelle Meyer (Cove’s Site SPARK Rep), and Jessica Donehower (Site Council Chair). Thank you to our many parent volunteers who help make Cove magical!

  • May 13 - 24 | CAASP Testing

  • May 27 | Memorial DayNo School

  • May 29 | Honoring Diana Nay with a custom bench in front of The Cove School, 3:30pm

  • June 7 | Cove Field Day More details to follow



Dear Cove Community,

Please join me in congratulating three fabulous Cove employees who are retiring from LCMSD in June - Cathleen Acheritogaray (Campus Support Para and Secretary), Vincenza Costa (Paraprofessional) and Liza Mathews (Cove EL teacher and Neil Cummins Art teacher). After years of dedicated service and countless contributions to our school, we will bid them farewell as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.

Cathleen has been with LCMSD for 16 years, and during that time she has worn many, many hats. As a reading intervention and English Learner support para, she worked alongside our literacy specialist. In 2014, she moved to Cove and began her role as classroom aide. She skillfully teaches small groups and works with students who need extra support. She is a lunch supervisor extraordinaire, finding humor and delighting in the boisterousness of lunch time. She also began her role as secretary in 2014, and she has been my consistent partner through several transitional periods. She flexed her hours, worked extra time, learned new tasks and trained new partners who subbed in the office role. Cathleen goes above and beyond in so many ways. She is a Union leader and has been a Site Council representative. She takes extra care to ensure that all of our students have snacks, lunches and all the supplies they need for success.

Vincenza has been a devoted paraprofessional in LCMSD for 8 years, 5 of which have been at The Cove School. Ever since I first met Vincenza, it was apparent that she loves to connect with others. She is always cheerful, smiling and greeting our office team each morning. Vincenza goes above and beyond for our school community. She has joined several district and site committees including District Advisory Panel, Equity Leadership Team, and Cove’s Site PBIS Team. She is so clearly a lifelong learner. Becoming a para was a whole new world for Vincenza and she participated actively in trainings, sought feedback and always strives to do better. Most importantly, it is evident that Vincenza loves children. She has worked with a variety of students with a variety of needs. The care and compassion she shows for our Cove Coyotes is beautiful to witness. 

Liza has been a teacher in LCMSD for 31 years…all of them at Neil Cummins but a portion of her time this year was also at The Cove School! During her 31 years, she spent 16 teaching kindergarten, and the other 15 years teaching 3rd grade, 4th grade, art, reading support and English Learners. In addition, she was the summer school Principal for 5 years. She has served on just about every committee in the district and is truly a lifelong learner. She has a knack for building strong relationships with students and their families and stays in touch with them for years after they leave her class. In her classroom, she skillfully integrates art in a plethora of ways and is known for her production of The Wizard of Oz with her classes. Liza loves what she does, and brings such energy to the classroom.

Please join me in expressing our deepest gratitude to Cathleen, Vincenza and Liza for their years of service, their unwavering dedication, and the countless lives they have touched along the way. We wish them all the best in their well-deserved retirement and know that they will continue to inspire and uplift others wherever their journey may take them.


Michelle Walker, Principal

Staffing Updates As we develop the 2024-25 budget, the Board of Trustees, in their dedication to student success, has committed to using one-time funding to increase intervention for the next two school years. This will make a significant difference for students and we, as a school community, appreciate their laser focus on student outcomes. While there are always moving parts when it comes to staffing, we felt it was important to provide you with the most recent updates on our intervention programming, as well as specialist staffing. We are excited to share the news below:

  • K-8 Math Coach - Beth Hawkins

  • K-8 Literacy Coach - Lisa Capobianco

  • Elementary Music, Cove and Neil Cummins - Max Abrahams

  • Elementary Musical Theater, Cove and Neil Cummins - Leslie Sloan

  • English Learner Specialist, Cove - Dakota Long

  • Math Intervention, Cove - Anastasia Robbins

  • Reading Intervention, Cove - Amy Holst

One of our goals this year was to post open positions as early as possible, which we have. However, filling these positions creates other vacancies. We are actively recruiting for those positions and will keep you posted as we continue to hire and approve transfers to new positions. We look forward to a fantastic 2024-25! 



Sparkle & ShineWe extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who joined us at our Sparkle & Shine Gala on Friday, May 10th. Thanks to your overwhelming support, the event was a resounding success, raising $176K for our students, schools and teachers. If you were among the lucky winners of our raffle and live auction items, stay tuned for a separate email detailing how to claim your items. 

Fund-a-Need: Our Fund-a-Need initiative for Teacher Mini Grants raised an impressive $79,400 toward our $100,000 goal. For those who couldn't attend, but wish to contribute, please click here to view a video highlighting the Teacher Mini Grants and to make a donation. Support this year’s Fund-a-Need here.

30 Families with Outstanding Pledges Worth $59k: If you are a family who has made a pledge to the 2023-2024 Annual Giving campaign and haven’t yet completed your payment, please make your donation by May 31. Your pledge plays a vital role in our ability to reach our $1.5M goal. If you have any questions, please respond to the Annual Giving outreach volunteer who contacted you last week or email 

Want to get involved? SPARK is excited to announce a reorganization of the Foundation, in keeping with our updated bylaws. Going forward, SPARK will be managed by a Board of Directors in charge of strategy and governance of the organization. This Board will meet quarterly. In parallel, SPARK will have a volunteer army in charge of making all the magic happen - Campus engagement, Annual Giving, SPARK events (Fun Run, Giving Day, Online Auction, Gala, etc.) and SPARK Biz partnerships. 

Volunteering for SPARK is incredibly rewarding! We are currently recruiting for Board positions as well as a host of positions large and small! Click here to learn more about our new structure and open positions. 



  • Board UpdatesOn May 15, 2024 the Board met and celebrated 2024 Golden Bell Awards and retirees. The room was packed and we appreciated all who joined the celebration. Congratulations Golden Bell awardees and retirees! Trustees engaged in a discussion regarding the Local Control Accountability (LCAP) draft, as well as the 2024-25 draft LCAP annual update. The Board approved district-wide common assessments (iReady) in mathematics and literacy, as well as a National Gun Violence Awareness Day Resolution. All agendas can be found here.

  • Preview of We are One: Social Justice Lesson #4: Stereotypes will be available on May 22 in all school offices for parents to review either before or after the district-wide lesson on May 28. Standard 11 will be explored: Students will recognize stereotypes and relate to people as individuals rather than representatives of groups. (Learning For Justice Social Justice Standards 2022). On May 15, teachers were trained to facilitate this lesson. We look forward to another very positive classroom experience aligned with our commitment to inclusive spaces for all students, staff, and parents. Please be on the lookout for a follow-up email with questions and talking points you can use at home. This program has been generously funded by Schools Rule Marin - thank you!



Check out this link for exciting local and summer events:

Vigilant Parent Training, Thursday May 30, 6:15 – 7:15 pm | Online (Zoom); Spanish interpretation available upon request and 3 days in advance (see registration link)

Summer Events:

Ongoing Events:

  • Bloom

  • Corte Madera Cheerleading

  • Corte Madera Library: Homework Helpers 

  • Corte Madera Library

  • Corte Madera Town Rec Summer Camps

  • Girls on the Run at Cove

  • Marin County Board of Education

  • Marin Scholastic Chess

  • Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships (MHYP)

  • Mountain Camp Marin

  • Rancho Compasión

  • Steve & Kate’s

  • Tidalwaves Swim Team

  • Warriors Basketball Academy