Issue 36 - May 27, 2024


Cove School Guiding Principles 

Experiential LearningSocial Emotional Growth,

Tldr; Join us on Wednesday for Diana Nay's memorial bench dedication; Return library books; Please supervise your children until 8:10 each day. Thank you!
On Friday, 5th grader Jake T was principal for the day. He earned this role by being the student who read the most minutes in the whole school during out readathon this year. 4th graders had a special visit from Wild Care. And, 2nd graders are finishing up their box guitars that they made from scratch under the guidance of Mr. E. Some students have even started learning to play a couple of songs!



  • May 27 | Happy Memorial Day!

  • May 29 | Honoring Diana Nay with a custom bench, The Cove School Gallery3:30pm

  • June 7 | Cove Field Day This is not like the Turkey Trot where parents come to watch. It is for the kids to have fun with their classmates under the leadership of our 5th graders. We only allow 2 volunteers per class; teachers will ask for volunteers. 

    • 9:15am - 10am: K / 1st Grade

    • 11am - 12:15pm: 2nd / 3rd Grade

    • 1:30pm - 2:45pm: 4th / 5th Grade 

  • June 12 | 5th Grade Culmination11am - 12:15pm

  • June 13 | Last Day of School



Dear Cove Community,

This Wednesday, we are hosting a special memorial dedication in remembrance of Diana Nay, Cove's dedicated secretary who passed away in July 2023. The PTO has purchased a custom memorial bench that will be installed in front of the school. All are welcome to join us for this special event. There will be a slide show and a few kind words of remembrance as we dedicate the bench. 

Michelle Walker



Enroll New Students Now for 2024-25 School Year Round Two enrollment for the 2024-25 school year began on April 13. If you live in the District, please enroll your student(s) before Round Two closes. Round Two closes on June 13 and campus assignment notifications will be sent out on June 28. Enrollments received after June 13 will be placed and notified in August, prior to the start of school. Please go to the enrollment page of the District website for instructions. Please note, current students do not need to re-enroll for next year. 

Students must be supervised by parents on the Cove Blacktop until 8:10am. Your child must know what adult (either you or another parent who is taking responsibility for your child) is responsible for them until the first bell rings at 8:10am. There has been an increase in incidents and accidents resulting in injuries and tears from kids that have been left unsupervised on The Cove Blacktop. Please be responsible for your child to ensure the safety of all the children on The Cove Blacktop. There is supervised breakfast in The Cove Gallery (drop off in front of school and students must sit and eat) from 8:00-8:15am daily.  

Library Books DueAll library books are due back to the library by Friday, May 31st. Please help your child return any books still out or send in a check for the replacement cost of the books. Thank you.

Lost and Found Walk-Through Thursday June 6th 8am-5pm. Last chance to collect your child’s belongings before our final Lost & Found sale on Friday June 7th at 7:45-8:30am. All items (not labeled) will be sold for $1.00 on Friday morning. Remaining items will be donated to an organization in need! 



Want to get involved? SPARK is excited to announce a reorganization of the Foundation, in keeping with our updated bylaws. Going forward, SPARK will be managed by a Board of Directors in charge of strategy and governance of the organization. This Board will meet quarterly. In parallel, SPARK will have a volunteer army in charge of making all the magic happen - Campus engagement, Annual Giving, SPARK events (Fun Run, Giving Day, Online Auction, Gala, etc.) and SPARK Biz partnerships. 

Volunteering for SPARK is incredibly rewarding! We are currently recruiting for Board positions as well as a host of positions large and small! Click here to learn more about our new structure and open positions. 

Annual Giving Pledge Payments Due: If your family made a pledge to the 2023-2024 Annual Giving campaign and haven’t yet completed your payment, please make your donation by May 31. Your pledge plays a vital role in our ability to reach our $1.5M goal. If you have any questions, please respond to the Annual Giving outreach volunteer who contacted you last week or email 

Fund-a-Need - Final Call: Our Fund-a-Need initiative for Teacher Mini Grants has raised an impressive $82,300! Can you help us get to $100,000k. Learn more about this  year’s Fund a Need supporting Teacher Mini Grants here to view a video highlighting the Teacher Mini Grants and to make your donation today.


Board UpdatesOn May 15, 2024 the Board met and celebrated 2024 Golden Bell Awards and retirees. The room was packed and we appreciated all who joined the celebration. Congratulations Golden Bell awardees and retirees! Trustees engaged in a discussion regarding the Local Control Accountability (LCAP) draft, as well as the 2024-25 draft LCAP annual update. The Board approved district-wide common assessments (iReady) in mathematics and literacy, as well as a National Gun Violence Awareness Day Resolution. All agendas can be found here.

Preview of We are One: Social Justice Lesson #4: Stereotypes will be available on May 22 in all school offices for parents to review either before or after the district-wide lesson on May 28. Standard 11 will be explored: Students will recognize stereotypes and relate to people as individuals rather than representatives of groups. (Learning For Justice Social Justice Standards 2022). On May 15, teachers were trained to facilitate this lesson. We look forward to another very positive classroom experience aligned with our commitment to inclusive spaces for all students, staff, and parents. Please be on the lookout for a follow-up email with questions and talking points you can use at home. This program has been generously funded by Schools Rule Marin - thank you


Check out this link for exciting local and summer events:

Vigilant Parent Training, Thursday May 30, 6:15 – 7:15 pm | Online (Zoom); Spanish interpretation available upon request and 3 days in advance (see registration link)

Summer Events:

Ongoing Events:

  • Bloom

  • Corte Madera Cheerleading

  • Corte Madera Library: Homework Helpers 

  • Corte Madera Library

  • Corte Madera Town Rec Summer Camps

  • Girls on the Run at Cove

  • Marin County Board of Education

  • Marin Scholastic Chess

  • Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships (MHYP)

  • Mountain Camp Marin

  • Rancho Compasión

  • Steve & Kate’s

  • Tidalwaves Swim Team

  • Warriors Basketball Academy