Dear Families,
As we depart for summer, I am once again struck by how fortunate I am to be leading this fabulous community. Last week’s Field Day was a huge success. Watching our 5th graders step up as leaders and all of the students have so much fun (even in the windy conditions!) brought such joy. Please join me in extending a HUGE thank you to Coach Arroyo for planning this event that will inspire lifelong memories!
On Wednesday morning, we will bid farewell to our 5th graders in a special culmination assembly. They are more than ready for their next adventure, and I wish them well!
On Thursday morning we have a special final assembly planned. Our kindergartners will give sunflowers to our 5th graders as a symbolic farewell. We will hear from our local librarians about their summer reading programs. And, finally, we will bid farewell to our retirees and staff members who are leaving.
Thursday, June 13th is 1:15pm dismissal for all students. I look forward to the last week of school with your children. Thank you for a fantastic 2023-2024 school year at Cove!
Michelle Walker, Principal
What a week! 4th graders went to Peralta Historical Park. 1st graders had a special visit from WildCare (thank you PTO for the mini grant to fund this!). And, everyone participated in Field Day! |