Issue 13 - Sunday, November 10, 2024

Cove Connection, Issue 13 - Sunday, November 10, 2024


Cove School Guiding Principles 

Experiential LearningSocial Emotional Growth,

Tldr; Happy Veterans Day - No School Tomorrow! Important information re: Cove In Motion - please read below!
The Cove School's celebration of Diwali ("Festival of Lights"). For more photos and videos, please check out this album


  • November 11 | Veterans Day - No School

  • November 12 | Parent Ed: Optimizing Your Job Hunt, 7-9pm, Cove LibraryRSVP on ParentSquare

  • November 12 | LCMSD Board Meeting, 6-9pm, Hall Middle School Library

  • November 13 | Make up Picture DayCove Gallery

  • November 13 | Navigating All This Tech in our Kids' Lives, as a Community6:15 - 7:30pm, Zoom Details in School & PTO News (Register)

  • November 15 | End of Trimester 1 (T1)

  • November 21 | Hall Prospective Family Tours (sign up here)

  • November 22 | Turkey Trot, Cove Blacktop

  • Week of November 25-29 | Thanksgiving Break - No School

  • December 3 | Variety Show Parent Info Zoom Meeting, 7pm

More dates here


Dear Parents,

Our school is committed to Cove in Motion because we believe exercise and improved cognitive performance go hand in hand. 

We expect all participants (students, staff members, parents and younger siblings) to:  

  • face forward

  • no talking 

  • participate/ try your best

Here is what we need from adults at Cove in Motion:

  • Please participate - join us in the moves.  This models to our students that we try and take risks and makes them less shy about giving it a try.  It is not a performance; it is a class.  Please do not stand or sit and watch (on the playground or in the mulch area) without participating. 

  • Please stand along the back or sides. All adults should stand at or behind the first line of kindergarten students facing forward toward the stage/ leader. Do not stand along the front on the side with the stage.

  • Please follow the leader and model no talking during songs.

  • Siblings cannot play on the web during CIM.  Once the school day has started, the playground is a learning space just like our classrooms. If you have siblings with you in the morning, they are welcome to participate with you (in a baby carrier, stroller, or at your side). Please don't let siblings roam free and play.  

  • Videos/Pictures - You might want to snap a picture of your child or capture a moment on video. Do so quickly, as you need to participate! Do not post or share any photos or videos as some students don’t have photo permissions. Thank you.

If you want to chat with others, we totally understand!  You are free to do so, but please leave the playground area completely. Our kids and staff count on you as models for what we expect - taking risks and participating! 

Here is the link with more information about the My School in Motion program in general. Thank you for your support!  Let’s keep moving together! 


Michelle Walker, Principal



Yearbook Cover Contest Winner

Congratulations to our 5th Grade 2024-2025 Cove Yearbook Cover Contest Winner - Scarlett Middleditch! With 16 incredibly creative cover entries, the decision was far from easy for our students during the on-campus election last week. We thank all of our 5th grade artists and can't wait to honor your submissions in this year's Cove School yearbook, including Scarlett Middleditch's winning cover! "The Places We've Been -- The Places We'll Go!" Please see the other yearbook cover entries here! Thank you to the Yearbook committee (Shiva, Kate and Catherine) for holding such a fun election experience for the kids. To view photos of the patriotic day, click here.


The Cove's Wellness Center, the Zen Den, is Open! 

The kids are loving the calm space. If you have extra stickers, coloring sheets, word searches, legos, bracelet making, coloring supplies laying around that need a new home, we would love them! Any calm, quick and quiet activities that kids can do that require minimal set up and clean up would be greatly appreciated. Please drop off any supplies in the bin labeled ZEN DEN supplies on the cart outside the main office. Thank you for helping to support our kid's wellness! 


After School Supervision Required

Parents and families—please share this info with all of your childcare providers. We are having a problem with supervision on the blacktop and around campus after school. Students who are not in 5G may not stay and play unsupervised after school. If adults choose to stay with their children after school, then it is essential that the adult actively supervise. Everyone is expected to follow school rules during 5G hours. This includes: no climbing on the storage sheds or into the garden, no wrestling or play fighting, no biking/wheels on blacktop, no throwing rocks, no profanity, etc. Thank you for your help in this matter!


Optimizing Your Job Hunt — From Search to Offer (Register) - THIS Tuesday, November 12th, 7-9pm, Cove Library.

Join us for an in-depth workshop covering essential job-seeking strategies. We'll explore how to update your resume and cover letter, consider your environment as a job seeker and get into consistent action on your search. Learn how to network effectively, bypass applicant tracking systems and master the art of following up. The session will also guide you through the final steps of the job process, from interview to offer. There will be time for Q&A and this session will be recorded. Facilitated by Diana Tauder, Executive Leadership Coach. 


Lost & Found

Lost & Found is STILL overflowing with jackets and water bottles!  Please check for missing items every Friday in front of school. During the week, Lost & Found is located inside the Gallery between the library and music room. If looking for items during school hours, please check in with the office first. Any leftover items will be donated on Friday, November 22!


Hall Middle School Tours

Future Cougars, We are opening our doors for our prospective Cougar Families to hear first hand about life at Hall. Please plan to check-in by 8:50am at the main office. All visitors will need to provide identification and follow LCMSD visitor protocols while on school tours. Please provide your CA driver's license or identification to help us plan for your visit and expedite check-in. The tour will begin promptly at 9am. Thank you in advance and we look forward to sharing our amazing campus with you! - Dr. Brown & Hall Staff Hall Middle School Prospective Family Tours Sign-up 


Supporting Healthy Tech-Life Balance for Youth: Navigating All This Tech in our Kids' Lives, as a Community

November 13th / 6:15 - 7:30pm / via Zoom: Register here

Discover the foundational harms of a phone-based childhood, early social media use, and the costs of excess screen time. Review recent tech use guidelines from Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt (author of Anxious Generation) and the U.S. Surgeon General, along with practical tips for introducing technology in age-appropriate ways. Learn about Kids IRL, a coalition of Marin families promoting four new norms to reduce phone dependency, enhance family life, and protect children's mental health, with specific steps for parents of elementary, middle, and high school kids. 

(Top Photo: 2nd graders painting fall watercolors; Bottom Photo: 2nd graders writing and sharing stories)




Check out this link for exciting local events, including Homework Helpers program through Corte Madera Library.