Anyone who is interested in volunteering at Neil Cummins must first visit the front office and present government issued identification before entering campus. Volunteers are welcome in LCMSD schools. Should a volunteer be partially vaccinated (one shot of the two shot series) or unvaccinated, it is recommended they wear a mask when indoors with students.


    Thank you for your willingness to spend time supporting our teachers and students in the classroom learning environment. You are a valuable asset as we assist students with becoming independent learners. The children at our school are fortunate to have such an interested and involved parent community.

    When in the classroom, please remember that being a volunteer carries with it some important responsibilities, outlined below:

    CONFIDENTIALITY: It is essential that student confidentiality is maintained. You will be exposed to all kinds of student academic and social behavior; it is not acceptable to discuss that information with anyone else. Remember that if it were your child, you would appreciate this respect and privacy.

    YOUR ROLE: You are there to provide assistance to the classroom teacher and students in whatever way is most helpful. It is important that you seek and take direction from the teacher so that student learning progresses smoothly under their direction.

    • If you are unsure how to provide assistance to students, don’t hesitate to consult with the teacher. It is important that the student does the work; please do NOT do the work for them. They learn by doing.
    • Using encouragement and interacting with a positive attitude is most helpful.
    • Supporting the teacher is essential; you may not always understand the underlying reasons for what they do or the way in which it is done, but instruction is well-planned with specific objectives in mind (e.g. “coloring within the lines” or cutting out a shape may have more to do w/ fine motor development than “art”; creating a sequential pattern develops underlying concepts for multiplication and factoring).

    • Please do not interrupt the teacher during instructional time with students. If you need to ask questions, please wait until an appropriate time.
    • Please don’t carry on “side-bar” conversations with your child, other students, or adults as students are working or trying to attend to instruction.
    • Please don’t bring siblings into the classroom with you; we have no provision for child care while you are volunteering.
    • Please enter, move around the classroom, and leave quietly. ☺

    • Provide support
    • Minimize distractions


    STUDENT DISCIPLINE:  This is the responsibility of the teacher. If you see something significant of which the teacher is unaware, ask how he/she would like to be made aware of the situation.

    ROUTINES / PROCEDURES:  When you come to volunteer, please adhere to the following:

      • 1) sign-in and out through the front office 
      • 2) wear a volunteer badge (not all adults and kids on campus will know you!)
      • 3) many activities are appropriate for volunteer activities in the classroom (others are fulfilled by our instructional aides)