Neil Cummins’ homework policy is designed to support classroom instruction. It will provide students with a framework to facilitate acquisition of skills and habits that will lead to improved student achievement. All students are asked to read nightly to develop fluency and comprehension. Additionally, students will receive targeted practice of specific math facts (at appropriate grade levels) to improve their skill level.
    Occasionally, project-based assignments may be given which are intended to be completed over a longer term. The systematic accomplishment of smaller tasks within a large project requires students to manage their time in order to complete those structured activities which reinforce classroom instruction. Homework should be completed independently by the student, but parents are encouraged to monitor and provide assistance when necessary or may be asked to participate directly at times.
    • Nightly reading is expected, and students will be responsible for returning a completed reading log on Friday.
    • Special projects (such as the 100th Day of School, etc.) will be assigned periodically.

    Grade One
    • Students may be expected to read each night and complete a reading log that may be due on Fridays.
    • Math facts and special projects will be assigned periodically.

    Grade Two
    • Students are asked to compete a reading log (related to 20 minutes of self-selected reading per night).
    • Students who have not mastered math facts to twenty are responsible for 5 minutes of specific, targeted math fact practice per night and to complete their math log.
    • Occasionally, special projects (such as the ancestor interview or the social studies technology time line) will be assigned.

    Grade Three
    • Unfinished classroom work will need to be completed.
    • Students are asked to read nightly and complete a reading journal.
    • Content related vocabulary or spelling words may be sent home.
    • Students are responsible for specific, targeted math fact practice (5 minutes per night), as needed.
    • Independent projects will be assigned throughout the course of the year. 
    • Focused practice on specific math facts is expected, and students are responsible for completing their math log as assigned.
    • 10-20 minutes keyboarding practice (Typing Club Program).

    Grade Four
    • Students may be asked to complete any unfinished work so they are ready for the next day’s instruction.
    • Students are expected to do 20 minutes or more per night of independent reading and complete a reading log.
    • Focused practice on specific math facts is expected, and students are responsible for completing their math log as assigned.
    • Structured writing will be assigned at the discretion of the teacher.
    • Specific long-term projects in content areas will be assigned at the discretion of the teacher.
    • Content related vocabulary or spelling words may be sent home.
    • 10-20 minutes keyboarding practice (Typing Club Program).

    Grade Five
    • Students will typically be assigned one hour of homework each night, including 20 minutes of independent reading
    • Homework generally includes Math, Spelling or Vocabulary and, at times, working on long term assignments.
    • Students may be asked to complete any unfinished work so they are ready for the next day’s instruction.
    • Focused practice on specific math facts is expected.
    • Structured writing will be assigned at the discretion of the teacher.
    • Specific long-term projects in content areas will be assigned at the discretion of the teacher.
    • Content related vocabulary or spelling words may be sent home.
    • 10-20 minutes keyboarding practice (Typing Club Program).

Last Modified on May 30, 2019