In an effort to allow all students access to public transit, Larkspur- Corte Madera School District will once again offer families a subsidy on Youth Tickets and the Marin Youth Pass which serve all local routes. New this year: The bus also serves Redwood and there will be multiple drop-off/pick-up times before and after school. Please review the schedule with your child and decide when he/she should take the bus to/from school.
Check this link for timetables: Route 29
Bus passes are available for purchase on Cougar Prep Day before school starts and in the school office thereafter.
The cost of a Youth Pass is $325 for an annual pass , which is of the cost of a regular Youth Pass with District cost-sharing. We strongly encourage families to use public transportation and/or carpool to school. Safe Routes to Schools parent liaisons will work throughout the year to support walk, ride, and roll programs. We are proud of the sustainability efforts in the District.
Students from income-qualified households may be eligible for a free Youth Pass. To apply, download the Parent/Guardian Certification for Eligibility for Free Youth Pass form (in English or Spanish) and return to the school office. Discounted passes will not be available unless this form is completed and on file the school office. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office, 415-927-6978 ext 2250, hallsecretary@lcmschools.org