- Hall Middle School
- Aeries Instructions
Logging On:
Step 1: https://larkspurcortemadera.aeries.net/student/loginparent.aspx
Step 2: Enter Email Address
Step 3: Enter Password
Tips & Troubleshooting:
If you’re unable to login, click “Forgot Password” Aeries will send you an email to reset your password
Be sure that you are entering your email exactly correct with no capital letters and no extra spaces
If you do not receive an email from Aeries or are still unable to log-in, email the Assistant Principal
Using Aeries Parent Portal for Quick Check and Detailed Info on Student Progress
Overall Course Grades show general overview of achievement
Use “Dashboard” on Aeries Portal
Assignment Grades and standards assessed show detailed achievement data
Navigate to “Grades” then “Gradebook Details”
Use drop down menus to switch between courses
Click small plus signs “+” to open more info related to Standards assessed on assignments