Disaster Management Team’s Role

    • The Administration has management responsibility for student check-out.
    • The Administration will determine if release will happen from a Centralized Location ON OR OFF CAMPUS or from Classrooms. (If off campus, students are moved to the nearest District Gym).

    Teachers’ Role

    • Keep students together and calm.
    • Release students only to Disaster Management Team member unless instructed.


    Parents’ Role

      • Make sure your student’s Emergency Information Card is updated.
      • Know who is authorized to pick up your child.  Know whom you are authorized to pick up.
      • Follow Staff instructions.  Understand that the student check-out procedure is time consuming, but that it is VITAL that ALL involved follow a few mandatory steps in order to ensure the safety of all students.


    • No cars will be allowed in the school parking lot other than emergency vehicles and staff vehicles.
    • Be prepared to fill out a release form. Be prepared to wait for your student(s) to be brought to you.
    • Staff will escort students in small groups to the release table.


    Student Release from a Centralized Location

    In the event that students need to be evacuated from campus, they will be escorted to the field/blacktop and released from there. If conditions do not allow for students to be outside (hazardous conditions, weather, etc.), students will be released from indoor locations.

    • Set up student check-out tables. Each table will have a list of all students, a copy of emergency cards, and check-out forms. Release will happen in alphabetical order by students’ last name.
    • Staff will check the information on the check-out form against the emergency cards. Release student only to an authorized adult.  When in doubt, ask for ID, if not shown, notify team leader and/or administration.   If the information matches, a staff member should locate student(s) and escort him/her/them to the check-out table.  
    • In the event that no emergency cards can be retrieved from the office, check-out will be done through copies of emergency cards

    Student Release from Classrooms

    • If the Administration authorizes release from classrooms, teachers should complete attached Emergency Student Release Log  
    • Verify that the student is being picked up by an adult authorized on their Emergency Card by: