• Snapshot of Special Education Law

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires local education agencies to ensure “that to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are non-disabled and that special classes, separate schooling or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature and severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily”.


    Larkspur-Corte Madera School District Special Education Program Philosophy

    Special Education programming in the Larkspur-Corte Madera School District is designed to support students in their neighborhood school with supplemental aids and services in order to be successful in the regular classroom.  Such supplemental aids and services may include, but are not limited to, case management, a collaborative team process, structured peer support program, specialized equipment and technology, and curriculum adaptation.  Each student’s IEP team makes the determination of the supplemental aids and services needed to support students with disabilities in the general education classroom.  The focus of the IEP team is to provide eligible students a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.

    The Learning Centers at Neil Cummins Elementary School, The Cove School, and Hall Middle School are a collaboration of education specialist including Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist and highly qualified paraprofessionals who provide instruction, consultation, and direct services to all students.

    The Learning Centers’ mission is to support all students to academically and socially reach their full potential.

    The goals of the Learning Center are to:

    • Work directly with students in the areas of academics, organization and socialization.
    • Provide a safe, structured and supportive environment where students thrive.
    • Collaborate with general education teachers to support student success.
    • Provide a bridge between teachers, families and community.

    “When inclusive (practice) is fully embraced, we abandon the idea that children have to become ”normal” in order to contribute to the world.  Instead, we search for and nourish the gifts that are inherent in all people.  We begin to look beyond typical ways of becoming valued members of the community, and in doing so, begin to realize the achievable goal of providing all children with an authentic sense of belonging.” –Norman Kunc (1992)  


    Notice of Discrimination

    Students, their parents and employees of the Larkspur-Corte Madera School District, are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate and is required by Title VI, VII, Title IX, Section 504 and the American with Disabilities Act not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission or access to, treatment or employment in, its services and activities.


    Electronic Parent Resources and Information 


    The following notices are from the California Department of Education regarding to the Morgan Hill case (Notice of Disclosure of Records and Objection to the Disclosure of Information and Records). More information and questions can be obtained by calling 1-916-319-0800.