- The Cove School
- Parent & Visitor Sign-In Procedure
With our ongoing efforts to enhance safety protocols at all school sites, we will be actively requiring all parent/community volunteers to sign in at the main office and wear a badge while on campus. Below are the details:
- All parents/community volunteers will be required to check in at the main office and wear visitor badges while on campus.
- Wearing badges promotes Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” campaign.
- Parents/community members will use a computer-based check in system located in each school’s main office. You will need a photo ID (state ID or driver's license). If you do not have an ID, please see the secretary for assistance.
- This applies to all adults on campus, from hot lunch volunteers to parents assisting in classrooms.
- If adults are on campus during school hours without a badge they will be asked to go to the main office to obtain one.
- Additionally, all LCMSD staff members are required to wear identification badges.
Thank you for your commitment to this procedure and our district-wide safety efforts.
Frequently Asked Questions for Staff and Parents
Why do I need to wear a badge? Everyone knows who I am.
While many on campus might know you, LCMSD cannot say with confidence that every student knows every teacher or parent volunteer. Having ID badges gives students/staff greater security in seeking assistance from (or simply identifying) adults who they know are cleared to be on campus.
What do I do if I see an adult on campus with no badge?Please send them to the school front office - OR - notify the someone at the front office that there is an individual on campus without identification (let the office staff member know where you saw the individual so that a staff member can approach them).
How much time will it take me to log-in/check-in?For the first time user it should take less than a minute to process. Subsequent check-in should take less than 30 seconds. We appreciate all our volunteers at school and our goal is to not discourage parents, but rather to enhance our safety practices.
What is the RAPTOR system?RAPTOR is a visitor registration system that enhances school security by reading visitor driver’s licenses, comparing the information to a sex offender database, alerting campus administrators if a match is found, then (assuming no match was made) printing a visitor badge that includes a photo.
How does it work?Drivers’ license information is compared to a database that consists of registered sex offenders from all 50 states, including California. If a match is found, campus administrators and law enforcement personnel can take appropriate steps to keep the campus safe.
Why is Larkspur-Corte Madera School District Schools using this system?Safety of our students is our highest priority. Raptor will provide a consistent system to track visitors and volunteers while keeping away people who present a danger to students and staff members. The system quickly prints visitor badges that include a photo, the name of the visitor, time, and date.
In the event of an emergency, the check-in system can print a roster of all volunteers on campus so that the school can account for them.
The check-in system quickly scans volunteers. For example, if a registered sex offender were to sign-in, the principal and I would receive a text immediately and the office staff are given a prompt to stall the individual while administration heads to the office.
What other information is the school taking from drivers’ licenses?Raptor is only scanning the visitor’s name, date of birth, partial license number, and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Additional visitor data will not be gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.
What if I forgot to bring my drivers’ license/ID?Staff can manually enter the individual’s first and last name and date of birth. The administrator can choose to manually enter information up to two times for a visitor.
Do we have the right to require visitors, even parents, to produce identification before entering the campus?Yes. You need to be sure of who is on your campus, why they are here, and particularly if a student is involved (e.g., early pickup) – be able to confirm that an individual has the authority to have access to the student. You can only do this by knowing exactly with whom you are dealing.
Why is this a safety matter?It promotes staff vigilance and “see something, say something.” In the Fall of 2017 a man was arrested who had walked through the Hall campus and was reported to police when he was outside of the District Office. This man had unloaded gun in his possession. He might have been stopped/reported earlier on campus if the ID badge policy were in place. Central Marin Police Authority support this policy, and over 75% of elementary schools require staff to wear badges with photo IDs.
When do I have to check in?Check in at the school main office is required upon entering the school campus during the instructional day.
Required to Check-In
- Class/lunch/garden volunteers
- Field trip chaperones
- In class celebrations
- PTA/PTO/SPARK meetings
- Coffee Chats
- Class plays
- PE Open Houses/volunteers (during the instructional day)
Not Required to Check-In
- Assemblies (support staff will monitor entry/exit)
- Drop off and pick up
- 5th grade promotion, 8th grade graduation
- Open House/Back to School Night
- After School Programs
- Sports
- Plays
- Talent Show
What if I’m a regular volunteer - can I get a badge?Yes, regular volunteers are issued a plastic ID badge.
I am a district employee or regular volunteer who has been issued an ID badge. The badge is for a specific school. Will I need a visitor badge if I visit another site or the District Office?No, as long as it is a LCMSD issued ID badge, they are valid at all sites.
I am a district wide employee (or I work at more than one site). Do I need more than one ID?No, as long as you have a LCMSD issued ID badge, you only need one.
Can I purchase/use my own lanyard or ID holder?Yes.
Will I get a new badge every year?Yes, all staff will take a picture on school picture day. Please make sure you look out for the dates.
Can I keep my badge if I leave LCMSD employment?No.
I am a new employee, hired after school pictures were taken. How do I get my ID?Please contact Nichole Urrea ~ nurrea@lcmschools.org
What do I do if I forgot my badge at home?See school site office staff for a temporary badge sticker.