• LCMSD School Nurse / Health Liaisons
    District Nurse: Gail Hurwitz, ghurwitz@lcmschools.org, oversees health services at Cove School, Neil Cummins and Hall Middle School. 
    Health issues can also be discussed with the Community Health Liaison on a daily basis at the school sites.

    • Neil Cummins (415) 927-6965 x1203
    • Cove (415) 945-9046 x4202
    • Hall (415) 927-6978 x2160

    Health and Wellness Programs

    Other School Health Issues

    Selected pages from the comprehensive Marin County Office of Education online Health Manual. Most forms and other information on this site are also available in Spanish.


    In the past few years, there has been an increased public awareness of the possibility of outbreaks of newly defined diseases. Here are some fact-filled documents about:


    Documents (Kindergarten Only)

    • The Oral Health Form (English)(Spanish) needs to be completed by your child’s dentist and delivered to the school office by May 31 of the enrolled school year. (CDE 49452.8)
    • The Physical Exam Form (English), (Spanish) needs to be completed by your child's physician and delivered to the school office by the first day of school. The immunization section does not need to be completed if you have already uploaded proof of immunization. 


    Medication at School

    To ensure safe and accurate administration of medication to students during school hours and in compliance with California Education Code Section 49423, all medication, including over the counter medication, must have authorization by you AND your child’s health care provider prior to being administered at school. These forms are available in the school office and on the Larkspur-Corte Madera School District website. The following must be provided if medication is taken during the school day:

    • An Authorization to Administer Medication form is required for ALL prescribed and over the counter medications and must be completed by both the legal parent/guardian and the treating physician BEFORE any medication can be administered. A new Authorization to Administer Medication form must be completed at the beginning of every school year and whenever a change occurs.
    • Medication must be delivered to school by the parent/guardian in the original container. Prescribed medication must contain the original pharmacy label with the student name, physician name, name of medication, instructions, and expiration date. Medication will NOT be accepted in unlabeled containers or baggies.
    • Medication will be stored in the Health Office unless the health care provider and parent authorize the student to carry and self-administer medication without assistance or supervision as specified in Ed Code Section 49423. If medication is to be carried and self-administered by the student, the parent/guardian, student, and health care provider must sign the Authorization to Carry Emergency Medications section of the Medication Authorization form—students may NOT carry over the counter medication in backpacks. Consequences for carrying unauthorized medications can include suspension.
    • Medication must be picked up by the parent/guardian or other authorized adult during the last week of the school year. Any medication left at school at the end of the school year will be discarded.

    Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse or contact the school office.

    The Authorization to Administer Medication form is available here.