- Larkspur-Corte Madera School District
- Public Records Requests
Business Office
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- Public Records Requests
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The Board of Trustees recognizes the right of members of the public to have access to public records of the district. The district shall provide any person reasonable access to the public records of the schools and district during normal business hours and within the requirements of law. Public access shall not be given to records listed as exempt from public disclosure in the California Public Records Act (CPRA) and other state or federal law. Government Code 7920 et seq.
We are exempt from disclosing certain public records or portions of public records as listed in Government Code 7930.100.
Additionally, the district is exempt from disclosing any other records listed as exempt from public disclosure in the California Public Records Act or other statutes or any other records for which the district can demonstrate that, based on the particular facts of the case, the public interest served by not disclosing the record clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure of the record Government Code 7922
Public records may be viewed in-person during normal office hours, or may be requested in writing. To view records in-person, please contact the district office at (415) 927-6960 x1 to schedule a time. The district will respond within 10 days to acknowledge receipt of the request and provide a timeline when the information can reasonably be disclosed. Records will be provided electronically unless otherwise noted.Please send written requests to bgeithman@lcmschools.org) and copy kcleary@lcmschools.org.
Requests should include:
- Your name, email and phone number
- Organization
- Records Requested (please be as specific as possible)
- Reason for request